Growth Formula Guide

Growth Formulas 

There are 7 key formulas developed by Master Cho which will provide balance and abundance to your plants and microbiology when used at the correct dose and right time. 

  1. Soil Formula
  2. Seed Formula
  3. Maintenance Formula
  4. Leaf Formula
  5. Bloom Formula
  6. Fruit Formula
  7. Harvest Formula 

KNF will provide the best results in a living soil, no-till system with regular applications of organic matter such as high grade compost or earth worm castings or both.

  • All dilutions are per gallon of dechlorinated water. 
  • Apply once every 7-14 days depending on needs. 
  • Every 11 days is a good starting point.

Sea Water:
Add 30g sea salt for every liter of fresh water to make Sea Water.

Formula Recipes 

Soil Formula

Soil Formula

Usage: Soil prep

Recipe:  8mL FPJ, 8mL FV, 4mL OHN, 4mL WCP, 4mL LABs, 190mL Sea Water

Related Products:

Seed Formula

Seed Formula

Usage: Seed Soak and Seedling

Recipe: 8mL FPJ, 8mL FV, 4mL OHN, 4mL WCP, 4mL FAA, 150mL Sea Water

Related Products:


    Maintenance Formula

    Maintenance Formula

    Usage: Seedling thru Harvest, General Use

    Recipe: 8mL FPJ/FFJ, 8mL FV, 4mL OHN

    Related Products:

    FPJFFJFruit VinegarOHN

    Leaf Formula

    Leaf Formula

    Usage: Vegetative Growth and Flowering

    Recipe: 8mL FPJ, 8mL FV, 4mL OHN, 4mL WCP, 4mL FAA, 4mL LABs

    Related Products:

    FPJFruit VinegarOHNWCP FAALABs

    Bloom Formula

    Bloom Formula

    Usage: Transition and Flowering

    Recipe: 8mL FPJ (crossover), 8mL FV, 4mL OHN, 4mL WCP, 1mL FAA, 1mL LABs, 125mL Sea Water

    Related Products:

    FPJFruit VinegarOHNWCP FAALABs

    Fruit Formula

    Fruit Formula

    Usage: Vegetative Growth and Flowering

    Recipe: 8mL FFJ, 8mL FV, 4mL OHN, 4mL WCP, 1mL FAA, 150mL Sea Water, 4mL WCA

    Related Products:


    Harvest Formula

    Harvest Formula

    Usage: Ripening

    Recipe: 8mL FFJ, 4mL OHN, 4mL WCA, 190mL Sea Water

    Related Products:


      When to Use The Growth Formulas

      12 Week Plant Nutrient Cycle (Example)

      12 Week Plant Nutrient Cycle

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      • KNF/JADAM

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